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Luxury Led Lights s.r.o.
Hronská Breznica 114
966 11 Hronská Breznica , Slovensko

company registration number: 54006554

tax identification number: 2121558846

IČ VAT: SK2121558846

(There is no shop at the given address.)







phone: 0944 232 234


 1. This complaint procedure governs the procedure of Luxury Led Lights s.r.o., with registered office: Hronská Breznica 114, 966 11 Hronská Breznica, Slovakia, ID: 54006554, VAT number: 2121558846, as seller (hereinafter referred to as "Seller") and buyer (hereinafter referred to as "Buyer") in exercising the rights arising from the Seller's responsibility for defects in goods purchased on the basis of a purchase contract concluded between the Buyer and the Seller at a distance (hereinafter referred to as "the Purchase Contract") through the electronic store on the website (hereinafter referred to as "the E-shop") and rights and obligations Buyer and Seller (Seller and Buyer together hereinafter referred to as "Contractual Parties") related to it.
2. Procedure of the Buyer who is a consumer in the sense of § 52 par. 4 of Act no. 40/1964 Coll. The Civil Code in its current version (hereinafter referred to as "the Civil Code"), when exercising the rights arising from the Seller's responsibility for defects in goods purchased via the E-shop, as well as the regulation of the rights and obligations of the Contracting Parties related thereto, is governed by §§ 619 to § 627 of the Civil Code and Act No. 250/2007 Coll. on consumer protection and on the amendment of Act of the Slovak National Council No. 372/1990 Coll. on offenses as amended (hereinafter referred to as "the Consumer Protection Act"), as well as Act No. 102/2014 Coll. on consumer protection in the sale of goods or provision of services based on a contract concluded at a distance or a contract concluded outside the seller's premises and on the amendment of certain laws (hereinafter referred to as "the Act on consumer protection in the case of the sale of goods at a distance").
3. Procedure of the Buyer who is not a consumer in the sense of § 52 par. 4 of the Civil Code, when exercising the rights arising from the Seller's responsibility for defects in goods purchased through the E-shop, as well as the regulation of the rights and obligations of the Contracting Parties related thereto, is governed by § 422 to § 442 of Act no. 513/1991 Coll. Commercial Code as amended (hereinafter referred to as "the Commercial Code"). 4. By sending an electronic order to the Seller, the Buyer confirms that he has familiarized himself with the Seller's complaint procedure and agrees with it without reservation. Once the electronic order is sent to the Seller, the complaint procedure becomes binding for the Buyer.
5. The complaint procedure is publicly available on the E-shop page, i.e. at
Article II
Inspection of goods upon receipt
1. When taking over the goods, it is necessary for the Buyer to check whether the packaging in which the goods are packed is not damaged. In the event that the packaging of the goods, or the goods themselves are not damaged, the buyer will sign the document about receiving the shipment. In the event of damage to the goods, it is necessary to write a report on the detected defects caused during transportation with the person appointed by the Seller to deliver the goods at the place of delivery.
2. The buyer is obliged to inspect the delivered goods without unnecessary delay after taking them over.
3. If the Buyer discovers the incompleteness of the goods or any damage to the goods caused by the transport, which is not manifested by external damage to the packaging, he is obliged to file a claim with the Seller without delay.
4. The Buyer is obliged to complain to the Seller about defects in the goods purchased via the E-shop without undue delay according to the conditions specified in the relevant provisions of the Civil Code, the Consumer Protection Act and the Commercial Code.
Article III
1. Withdrawal from the Purchase Agreement without giving a reason in accordance with the Act on Consumer Protection in Distance Selling of Goods In the event that the Purchase Agreement is concluded using means of distance communication (in this case, electronic commerce on the Internet) and in the event that the Seller has provided the Buyer in a timely and proper manner as information to the consumer about the right to withdraw from the contract according to § 3 par. 1 letter h) of the Act on Consumer Protection in the Distance Selling of Goods, the Buyer as a consumer is entitled to withdraw from the Purchase Agreement within 14 (in other words: fourteen) days from taking over the goods. Instructions on the exercise of the consumer's right to withdraw from the Purchase Agreement according to the Act on Consumer Protection in the Distance Selling of Goods in the form of completed Annex no. 2 of the Act on Consumer Protection in Distance Selling of Goods is published on the website of the E-shop and was also provided to the Buyer as part of the confirmation of the conclusion of the Purchase Agreement, which the Seller sent to the Buyer by email. Detailed instructions on the Buyer's right to withdraw from the Purchase Agreement and detailed information on the exercise of the Buyer's right to withdraw from the Purchase Agreement and on the rights and obligations of the Contracting Parties in the event of withdrawal from the Agreement by the Buyer are also provided in Article VI, VII and VIII of the Seller's general terms and conditions, the wording of which is published on the website of the E-shop and which were also provided to the Buyer as part of the confirmation of the conclusion of the Purchase Agreement, which the Seller sent to the Buyer by email.
2. Exercising the right to exchange or repair (remove a defect) goods, withdrawal from the Purchase Agreement due to defects in the goods.
2.1 The seller is responsible for defects that the sold item has when it is taken over by the buyer. If the goods have a defect that can be removed, the Buyer has the right to have it removed free of charge, on time and properly. The seller is obliged to remove the defect without undue delay. Instead of removing the defect, the Buyer may request the replacement of the goods, or if the defect concerns only a part of the goods, the replacement of the part, if this does not result in unreasonable costs for the Seller considering the price of the goods or the severity of the defect. Instead of removing the defect, the Seller can always replace the defective item with a flawless one, if this does not cause serious difficulties for the Buyer. Instead of removing the defect, the Seller can always replace the defective goods with perfect ones, if this does not cause serious difficulties for the Buyer. If it is a defect in the goods that cannot be removed and which prevents the goods from being properly used as goods without defects, the Buyer has the right to exchange the item or withdraw from the Purchase Agreement. The same rights belong to the Buyer if the defects can be removed, but if the Buyer cannot properly use the goods due to the reappearance of the defect after repair or due to a larger number of defects. If there are other irreparable defects, the Buyer has the right to a reasonable discount on the price of the goods. The buyer can exercise the right to repair or replace the goods by delivering a written complaint together with the goods and proof of purchase by post to the address of the Seller, namely: Luxury Led Lights s.r.o. , with registered office: Hronská Breznica 114, 966 11 Hronská Breznica, Slovakia.

2.2 If the Buyer makes a complaint, the Seller or an employee authorized by him or a designated person is obliged to inform the Buyer of his rights according to the Civil Code, which are listed in paragraph 2.1 of this complaint procedure, i.e. right to demand the exchange of goods, the repair (removal of defects) of goods, an appropriate discount on the price of goods or the right to withdraw from the Purchase Agreement. The Seller or an employee authorized by him is obliged, based on the Buyer's decision on which of the warranty rights to exercise, to determine the method of processing the claim immediately, in complex cases no later than 3 working days from the date of application of the claim, in justified cases, especially if complex technical requirements are required evaluation of the condition of the goods, no later than 30 days from the date of application of the complaint. After determining the method of processing the claim, the claim is processed immediately, in justified cases, the claim can be processed later; however, processing of the claim may not take longer than 30 days from the date of application of the claim. After the expiry of the deadline for processing the complaint, the Buyer has the right to withdraw from the contract or has the right to exchange the product for a new product (Section 18, paragraph 4 of the Consumer Protection Act). In the case of a claim made within 24 months of the purchase of the goods, the Seller can handle the claim by rejecting it only on the basis of a professional assessment. Regardless of the result of the expert assessment, the Buyer cannot be required to pay the costs of the expert assessment or other costs related to the expert assessment. The Seller is obliged to provide the Buyer with a copy of the expert assessment justifying the rejection of the claim no later than 14 days from the day the claim was processed. If the Seller rejects a claim made after 24 months from the purchase of the goods, the Seller is obliged to inform the Buyer about to whom the product can be sent for expert assessment, while stating this information in the claim document. Expert assessment for the purposes of processing claims is understood as o. i. and the opinion of an authorized person or a person authorized by the manufacturer to carry out warranty repairs (§ 2 letter n) of the Consumer Protection Act). If the product is sent for expert assessment to a designated person, the costs of the expert assessment, as well as all other related costs incurred purposefully, are borne by the Seller, regardless of the result of the expert assessment. If the Buyer proves the Seller's responsibility for the defect through a professional assessment, he can apply the claim again; the warranty period does not expire during the performance of the expert assessment. The Seller is obliged to reimburse the Buyer within 14 days from the date of re-application of the complaint all costs incurred for the expert assessment, as well as all related costs incurred purposefully. A renewed claim cannot be rejected.
2.3 The Seller is obliged to issue a confirmation to the Buyer when making a claim (Section 18, Section 8 of the Consumer Protection Act). When making a complaint in the manner according to point 2.1 (A) above, i.e. upon delivery of a written complaint together with the goods by mail to the Seller's correspondence address, the Seller shall deliver to the Buyer a confirmation of the application of the complaint immediately, but at the latest together with a document on the complaint's handling. When making a complaint in the manner according to point 2.1 (B) above, i.e. by making a claim in the Seller's business, the Seller will issue a copy of the claim protocol to the Buyer as confirmation of the claim.
2.4 The seller is obliged to issue a written document to the customer about the processing of the claim no later than 30 days from the date of application of the claim (§ 18 paragraph 9 of the Consumer Protection Act). This written document is a copy of the complaint protocol with a filled-in complaint handling box or a letter containing a written notification about the handling of the complaint.
Article IV
Warranty conditions and warranty period
1. The Buyer is provided with a warranty period of 24 months for the delivered goods. The warranty period begins on the day the goods are handed over to the Buyer. Defective goods and claims arising from defective goods must be made before the end of the warranty period. With the expiration of the warranty period, the right to claim expires.
2. Each product purchased from the Seller is accompanied by an invoice or proof of purchase of goods, which also serves as a guarantee document.
3. Only goods purchased from the Seller can be complained about. In order to handle the claim as best as possible, it is necessary for the Buyer to describe the defect for which the goods are claimed as precisely as possible.
4. A defect in the goods cannot be considered a change in the characteristics of the goods that occurred during the warranty period as a result of wear, misuse, insufficient or inappropriate care, as a result of natural changes in the materials from which the goods are made, as a result of any damage by the Buyer or a third party or other wrong intervention.
Article V
Alternative dispute resolution
1. In the event that the Buyer is not satisfied with the manner in which the Seller handled his complaint or believes that the Seller has violated his rights, the Buyer has the right to contact the Seller with a request for rectification. If the seller responds negatively to the Buyer's request according to the previous sentence or does not respond to such a request within 30 days from the date of its sending by the Buyer, the Buyer has the right to submit a proposal to start an alternative dispute resolution according to the provisions of § 12 of Act No. 391/2015 Coll. on alternative resolution of consumer disputes and on amendments to certain laws (hereinafter referred to as "the Act on Alternative Resolution of Consumer Disputes"). The competent entity for the alternative resolution of consumer disputes with the Seller is (i) the Slovak Trade Inspection, which can be contacted for the stated purpose at the address SOI Central Inspectorate, Department of International Relations and ARS, Prievozská 32, postal folder 29, 827 99 Bratislava or electronically at ARS or or (ii) another relevant authorized legal entity registered in the list of alternative dispute resolution entities maintained by the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic (the list of authorized entities is available at -subjects-alternative-solution-of-consumer-disputes/146987s), while the Buyer has the right to choose which of the listed alternative dispute resolution entities to contact. This does not affect the possibility of going to court. The buyer can use the online dispute resolution platform available on the website: to submit a proposal for an alternative resolution of his consumer dispute.
2. Pursuant to § 12 paragraph 3 of the Act on Alternative Resolution of Consumer Disputes, the Buyer's proposal for initiating an alternative dispute resolution must contain: a) the consumer's first and last name, address for delivery, electronic address and telephone contact, if he has them, b) exact description of the Seller, c ) a complete and comprehensible description of the decisive facts, d) a description of what the Buyer as a consumer is demanding, e) the date when the Buyer as a consumer turned to the Seller with a request for correction and information that the attempt to resolve the dispute directly with the Seller was fruitless, f ) a statement that the same proposal was not sent to another entity of alternative dispute resolution in the matter, the court or arbitration court did not decide on the matter, no mediation agreement was concluded in the matter, nor was alternative dispute resolution concluded in the matter in accordance with § 20 par. 1 letter a) to e) of the Act on alternative resolution of consumer disputes. The proposal can be submitted in paper form, in electronic form or orally in the minutes. To submit a proposal, the Buyer can use the form, the sample of which is available to the Buyer for download on the Seller's website and which is also available on the website of the Ministry ( sporovclr/146956s ) and each subject of alternative dispute resolution. The Buyer shall attach to the proposal documents related to the subject of the dispute, which prove the facts stated in the proposal.
Article VI
Final provisions
1. The seller reserves the right to change and/or supplement the complaint procedure at any time. Changes and/or additions to this complaint procedure enter into force on the day they are published on

 In Hronská Breznica on February 1, 2018

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